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  • šŸ‘£ consistency list: how to make progress toward anything you want in life

šŸ‘£ consistency list: how to make progress toward anything you want in life

from the man who read 1,200+ books

Yesterday we welcomed a (not so) little 10 pounds and 1 ounces of joy into our family! Mom and baby #3 are both healthy, happy, and healing.

Sending this from our hospital room, so forgive me for writing this after little sleep šŸ˜…


āš”ļø Estimated read time: 2 minutes 43 seconds.


Habit Example


Before he read 1,200+ books, Matt Karamazov used to be:

  • A nightclub bouncer

  • A record label owner

  • An international concert promoter (including a stadium concert in India)

  • And even fought heavyweight boxing fights in Russia

So I guess you could say heā€™s not your average bookworm.

Matt was kind enough to give me a peak behind the curtain in his life, specifically how heā€™s managed to build a successful media and coaching business on top of his 100,000 instagram followers.

We talked about how he organizes his daily routine to prioritize the most ā€œsupremely importantā€ things to happen first in the day (like reading, work, exercise, and time with family).

Everything else fits around those priorities.

He also talked about how all he shoots for is to have 90%-95% compliance with his habits.

Most people are so set on habits being either perfect, or nothingā€¦ but thatā€™s just not real life!

So he says you give yourself a little bit of flexibility for 95% compliance and you get it mostly right - which is enough.

But the nugget he shared that I loved most was about his Consistency List.

The concept is simple:

  • He has a master list of the goals and work projects heā€™s progressing toward.

  • For every upcoming business deadline he has, he does one thing every single day to move himself closer to completion on each of those projects

  • For each of his monthly goals, he does one thing every single day to move one step closer to each of those goals

For example, with his business specifically, a big part of how he makes money is finding authors who want him to share their books on his Instagram.

While some authors organically reach out to him, this trickle of people wouldnā€™t be enough to support a business.

So one of the items on his Consistency List is to reach out to 20 new authors every single day.

It seems like a lot, but thereā€™s thousands of new books being published every month, and Matt says a lot of them are great!

So while he canā€™t control how many people reach out to him, he has 100% control over researching, finding, and reaching out to 20 new authors every day.

And as long as he does this, he gets a high enough percentage of authors saying ā€œyesā€ that it brings in consistent income for him.

ā€œBut Kody, Iā€™m not an influencer or business ownerā€

Youā€™re right.

And Iā€™m not the Queen of England. (May she rest in peace)

But you donā€™t have to be rich, famous, or royal to make serious progress in your life by taking one tiny step forward each day toward whatever is important to you.

So whether you wanna be like Matt and own a record label, become a heavyweight boxer, or read 1,200+ booksā€¦

ā€¦or you simply wanna start going to bed before midnightā€¦

ā€¦start with one tiny step.



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Try it


  1. Create your own Consistency List, but start small. What are 3 goals or projects you want to acheive or complete in the next month?

  2. Every day, just do one tiny step toward completing each one.

  3. If it seems like you wonā€™t be able to get it done on a certain day, just think of the absolute smallest thing you could do to be able to still make some kind of progress!


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šŸŽø Imagining a different world with MKTO

āœ… Thereā€™s many ways to build habits, but hereā€™s the 32 best methods

šŸ† The Paradox of Goals

šŸ“šDial in your fitness and become the reader you wish you were by subscribing to Matt Karamazovā€™s new YouTube channel

šŸ“ On the 25th anniversary of the lunar landing, Neil Armstrong wrote this note of gratitude


ā€œPapi, if you keep talking about being naked Iā€™m going to pick all the boogers out of your nose!ā€

- My 4-year-old

(for the record, no adult was talking about being naked when she said this šŸ˜‚)



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- Kody


profile pic


P.S. This took 5 hours to research and write. It only takes you 5 seconds to share.