🍀 The annoying science of luck

and how to be luckier

Hey, its me - Kody 🙂

Enjoyed a weekend of pike fishing, pruning trees, and hanging out with family. Also, Dale Sidebottom from Energetic Radio interviewed me on his podcast a couple weeks ago - it was a blast!

Today’s issue is a guest post written by none other than Jeff Gill.

An American graphic designer, writer and artist living in South West England with his Welsh wife. He writes TREE, a short weekdaily email that encourages misfits, creatives and eclectics as they do the work that matters.

I am going to share one of the most annoying scientific discoveries ever.

Here it is:

People who believe they are lucky are objectively more lucky than people who believe they are unlucky. (Scientific American)

That annoys me a lot because

• It’s not fair

• How are you supposed to make yourself believe you’re lucky?

How to get lucky

You can’t change the luck you’ve already had – your family, when and where you were born, how you were raised, etc. But you can improve your future luck if you can start believing you are lucky.

Unfortunately, you don’t have direct access to your beliefs. (Have you ever tried to just believe something different?) But I can get you in the side door. That door is called gratitude.

Gratitude isn’t a belief. It’s an action. You choose something about your life and you say thank you for it. You think of how someone has benefitted your life and you tell them thank you.

Here’s the cool part: because gratitude is an action, you don’t have to feel grateful.

You don’t have to believe anything. You just do it. You say thank you. You make a habit of expressing specific gratitude for what you have been given.

In time,
doing gratitude will lead to
feeling gratitude.
Feeling grateful
is basically the same thing
as believing you are lucky.

Now the science is on your side.

Step 1: Decide that you are lucky.

Step 2: Notice something (or someone) within eyesight in this very moment that you’re lucky to have. That’s gratitude!

Step 3: Repeat daily and watch as you begin to not just feel lucky, but notice objectively more lucky things happening in your life.

Her: â€śDad, you can’t go to the bathroom til you open this candy for me.”

Me: â€śAre you holding me hostage?”

Her: â€śYup, I’m holding lots of hochages!”

Thanks for reading!

- Kody

P.S. Did you know you can read these online now?