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  • 👨‍🏫 Josh Spector's 2 questions to succeed in everything

👨‍🏫 Josh Spector's 2 questions to succeed in everything

And one surprising alternative to meditation

Just got back from floating the North Fork Coeur d’Alene River with the fam. Hope you’re finding ways to enjoy the warm weather too!



If you’ve heard of Josh Spector, you know he simplifies audience and business growth for creative entrepreneurs. 

He even helps 50,000 readers for free in his For the Interested newsletter.

We recently had a fascinating conversation about habits on his podcast, so I couldn’t help but share a few highlights:

Q: What’s the #1 habit you attribute to success in your business?

Josh: “I do things. That seems very simplistic, but not a lot of people do things.

They talk about doing things, they think about doing things, they tell themselves they’re gonna do things.

Most people don’t actually do it and then they wonder, ‘Why am I not having success?’

Well you’re not doing the things.

And it’s interesting because I think ‘Why do a lot of people not do things?’ And I think this gets back to a fear of failure.

And the irony to me is the only way to guarantee failure is to not do something.

Yeah, you might do it and you might fail, but you’re definitely gonna fail if you don’t actually do it.

You cannot learn without doing.

The sooner you start doing, the sooner you start learning.

If you’re gonna have the mindset of doing things, you can’t be a perfectionist. You just can’t.”

Q: What’s the #1 habit you attribute to success in your personal life?

Josh: “I follow my curiosity, and I question everything.

This manifests itself in two questions that I find myself deliberately and instinctively asking all the time.

  1. ‘What if?’

  • What if I do this? What if I do that?

  • What if I’m right? What if I’m wrong?

  • What if it works? What if it doesn’t?

‘What if’ helps you realize that there are infinite possibilities out there.

It also think it helps you, or forces you, to consider that:

Good outcomes are just as possible as bad ones.

Josh Spector
  1. ‘Why not?’

  • Why not me?

  • Why can’t I be the first one to solve this problem?

  • Why can’t I be the one who does this differently?

‘Why not?’ also plays into this rebelious streak that I have, and a lot of other people have.

Who says the conventional wisdom is right?

Who says these ‘rules’ exist?

What if there’s a better way?

These go back to a lot of what fear of failure is about - they see all the potential bad outcomes, but they don’t see the good ones.”

Q: If you simply could not continue your current business for some reason, what steps would you take to find an equally meaningful use of your time?

Josh: “This is a tricky one…”

To hear the rest of Josh’s answer,

listen to the full podcast on Apple, Spotify, or YouTube.

I .


Bonus tip from Josh (this one genuinely surprised me):

“If you do go for walks regularly, after you’ve done it for a while, go for a walk and purposely walk at half speed or slower.

[It’s] a totally different experience. Way more relaxing. I noticed a million things I’d never noticed before. I especially recommend it if you’re feeling stressed out.

Walking is great, but the forced slow-down on a walk is life changing.”





These songs are from my friends Seb and Paark, who stayed at my house about 10 days ago - both are incredible musicians and producers!



(this was actually my 2-year-old)

Him: “I’m hippo hungry!”

Me: “You mean you’re a hungry hippo?”



Thanks for reading!

- Kody



P.S. This took me 5 hours to write.

It only takes you 5 seconds to share.

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